Paper Car Activity



Title:                                                       Engineering/Design                                Group#:  _____


Statement of Problem:  Your three or four person engineering team is being charged with designing, constructing, marketing, and racing a paper car.


Objectives:  The student will:

1.                  Develop leadership, cooperation, and responsibility skills while working with a cooperative learning group.

2.                  Apply their knowledge of mechanical drawing concepts and practices in order to graphically present their car designs.

3.                  Develop an understanding of and work with a pattern layout.

4.                  Develop, test, and evaluate their design ideas.

5.                  Investigate the areas of media and marketing while developing a display, as well as, graphic and electronic media advertisements for their paper cars.


NOTE:  Most of what you will need is presented in this Technology Learning Activity; however, there are a few items that need to be clarified:

-Race:  A ramp will be provided. The cars are to be released from the top of the ramp. The car that rolls the furthest will receive the most points. All others will receive points as a percentage of the longest run.

-Car Show:  Groups are to construct a display for their cars. During the car show, instructors and students from classes will “shop” for a car by scoring the cars, displays, commercials, and drawings.

-Print Media Ad:  What you would see if your car was advertised in a newspaper or magazine.

-TV Commercial:  Your group is to produce a 30 second television commercial for the car.  This commercial must be taped, in good taste, and realistic.


Materials:      Drafting paper


                        Wooden dowels (for axles only!)

                        Heavy folders

NOTE:  The above list pertains to the car only.  There are no restrictions on materials used for display, commercial, etc. However, all materials required for the display, commercial, etc, must be requested within the material request form. 



The groups have eight school days to complete this Technology Learning Activity.  Day #9 has been set aside for the car show and the great paper car race.


The Paper Car Must:                                                      The Display Must Be Identified By:

-Be under 75 mm wide and 200 mm long                            -Name, type and location of school

-Carry 2 easily removable erasers                                    -The month & year completed

-Weigh under 90 grams with erasers                                   -Group’s logo

-Have more than two working wheels                                 -Names of group members

-Have at least two working axles                                         -Company and car names

-Have the group number on the license plate


Job Title:       

Job Description/Responsibilities:


Job Title:          Chief Car Designer

Job Description/Responsibilities:            Design and construct the body of the car.  This person needs to work with the team, especially the chief mechanic and seek design ideas.

Drawing:              Pattern layout for car

Production:          Build the car


Job Title:          Car Show Coordinator

Job Description/Responsibilities:            The car show represents the company’s big chance to introduce the car to the public.  To enhance this introduction, the car needs an attractive display to attract attention and showcase the car’s attributes.

Drawing:              Orthographic projection of display (2 views)

Production:          Build the display

                           Create newspaper/magazine advertisement


Job Title:          Director of Advertising

Job Description/Responsibilities:            In order to create a demand for this new car model, it must be advertised.  Television, coupled with the print media represents a great opportunity to reach a large number of potential buyers.

Drawing:              Isometric drawing of the car

Production:          30 second television commercial

                           Create the Logo


Job Title:          Chief Mechanic

Job Description/Responsibilities:            Even if a new car has great style and advertising, people won’t buy it if it doesn’t operate properly.  Your job is to seek ideas from the team, work closely with the Chief Designer, and develop a well functioning car.

Drawing:              Orthographic projection of car (4 views)

Production:          Build the wheels for the car



1.                  Review the problem statement and job requirements.

2.                  Designate jobs based on the above description.  If your group is a 3 person group, consider combining either Car Show Coordinator and Director of Advertising OR Car Designer and Mechanic.

3.                  Generate ideas for the car design, car show display, TV commercial, magazine ad, logo, etc.

4.                  Construct the above listed items

5.                  Test/evaluate items and refine.


NOTE: All the above activity must be recorded on a day-to-day basis.   




Required forms:

1.                  Career Info:                  Although a description has been given to you regarding the job description and responsibilities, it is up to you to research your job title further.  Research will be conducted outside of class, and will be required by a particular date.

2.                  Orthographic:               Orthographic projections will be required by the Car Show Coordinator and the Chief Mechanic using either pencil/paper, or drafting program of your choice.    

3.                  Material Request:          The materials for the Paper Cars have been listed above. Note that all materials required for the display, commercial, etc, must be requested.  Any materials not requested formally will not be issued.

4.                  Performance:                Not only will grading be performed by the instructor, you are responsible for grading your team members.


Final Grading:

The final grade will be the sum of a collection of points given within the different areas of the project.  The Grading Rubric for the Paper Cars and races will be developed within class. Any other rubrics will be developed by the instructor with all adding to 100 points. There will be a group grade and individual grade.         

Lesson Plans

Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 7
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Lesson 10

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